***Limited Quantities*** Biz Bestie Package

***Limited Quantities*** Biz Bestie Package


What if your business had a bestie?

The kind that dreamed with you, worked with you, and helped you navigate the inevitable challenges you would encounter along the way?

You can!

These are 4 weekly (ish, because I HATE trapping people into too tight of a schedule…) check-in’s focused on where you’ve been, where you’re going and most importantly…

how you’re going to get there!

We’ll virtually chat over coffee every week and plan our next move. (That’s right, I said “our” because like your real life bestie, we’re in this together!)

I’ll send a follow up email with our strategy, technical instructions, or anything else you need to grow your brand!

(Once your order is received, I’ll email you to line out all the details!)

Is your brand ready for the biz bestie that will take you to the next level?

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